Beach Sedahan And Greweng Beach, The Hidden Beauty of Nature
Beach Sedahan And Greweng Beach, The Hidden Beauty of Nature
Gunung Kidul district does have a lot of beaches that can be used as a tourist attraction. Because this area is an area that is close to the southern ocean, so it has the beach very much. One of the beaches in Gunung unspoiled beach that is deserted even Sedahan and Greweng Beach. If you want a quiet beach atmosphere seemed to be on a private beach, Beach Greweng Sedahan and this can be a choice for a vacation.
Because Sedahan Beach and Greweng Beach is a beach that has not been untouched by tourists, the coastal road
is also still very simple. Making it suitable for those
who like adventure menyususri footpaths in the woods, thickets, fields
of population and down the hill to get to this place. When down the path to the beach, you will find fountains and a cave that is very natural.
Sedahan beach and coastal Greweng not too broad because it is flanked by
two cliffs, so the waves just came from one direction, namely in the
middle of two hills. Conditions were still deserted beach make this beach ideal for camping while enjoying the waves. In addition there is the river that forms a pond not far from the beach Greweng. The place is usually used by young people to set up tents nature lovers. A fresh water river flow is also easier for visitors who pitched for ablution and cooking. In
this Grewang Beach visitors can also go fishing so it's exciting when
camping while looking for fish to be baked and eaten with friends. Really feel like traveling on a private beach.
Located on the east side Wediombo Sedahan Beach and Beach is in the district Greweng Girisubo, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Province . From the city takes about 2 hours to reach the two beaches.
Because it is unspoiled beaches and hidden, there are no stalls, bathrooms, parking and bike rentals. So if a visitor wants to spend the night, it would be better if you bring your own tent. While the vehicle can be deposited in houses not far from the beach or in the parking lot Greweng Wediombo.
To go Greweng Beach, visitors should follow the directions to the beach Wediombo. From the city to the roads
asphalted Tepus to meet with the fork and take the left (south) and follow the boards towards the beach Wediombo. Arriving at the Beach, there will be a path to the beach Greweng. However, due to the lack of direction, you do not hesitate to ask local residents or fisherman you meet on the street. On
the trail in the middle of the forest you will find a crossroads where
the direction to the left towards the beach Sedahan and direction
towards Greweng Beach.
Traveling tips
- Do not forget to bring food and drinks on the beach itself because of this you will not find food stalls, especially those who will be camping.
- Try to visit this beach with my friends, because the location is very quiet and away from residential areas is very dangerous if you come alone
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