Hazards for the Mountaineer, Lightning

Hazards for the Mountaineer, Lightning

Another Hazards for The Mountaineer: Lightning

In December 2016, I had received less favorable news from the world of climbing homeland, which is about 2 cases climbers struck by lightning, the first in Mt.Arjuno in East Java  and the second at Mount Slamet in Central Java . The first case occurred in a tragic, because swallowing one death and two injured. Meanwhile, according to the news I read, overwrite the second case 3 victims with serious burns in the head and legs.

This news should be of serious concern to us all as practicing outdoors sports, especially mountaineering genre. We need to raise awareness and be more careful when you go hiking in the rainy season, especially if you happen to go to a mountain that we have lots of open spaces without trees.

Here are some tips that might be applied in order to avoid the threat of being struck by lightning while climbing the mountain.

Tips to Avoid Lightning when Mountaineering

1. Pause plan to climb the weather is more friendly.

The safest thing you can certainly choose to cancel the trip when you find out if weather conditions are very bad location. Forcing yourself to climb when a rainstorm sweeping will certainly increase the risk of accidents, and there was a possibility you will be the next victim.

2. Remove sharp objects protruding from your keril.

If forced to go hiking when the weather is bad, or you happen to encounter bad weather on the way, try not to have any sharp objects protruding from keril suppose you like a trekking pole  that you tuck in addition to keril. Pointed objects that stand out will increase the risk of lightning strikes.

3. While in the forest, seek shelter such as a group of small trees that are not too high.

The first thing you need to remember is not to panic when you suddenly come rain storm accompanied by lightning strikes. Ahold of yourself, think clearly, and quickly find the best place to take shelter. If you happen to be in the open but not far from a forest area, immediately move a herd of finding the overgrown trees that is not too high.

4. Avoid shelter near a large tree towering.

A single tree towering solo course is the softest target for lightning strikes. Therefore, try to avoid such locations.

5. Stay away from objects that conduct electricity, such as metal fences or tower.

To my knowledge, in some of the mountain or the surrounding area, often found the towers transmitting or monitoring the activity of the mountain comes from the iron fences. Now when it rains accompanied by thunder storms come, as soon stay away from these places.

6. If you are outdoors, find a low spot such as the valley for shelter.

Open space with high altitude is very dangerous and vulnerable to lightning strikes. If you happen to be in a place with such conditions, immediately move away and down to a lower place. Around the valley could be quite safe havens.

7. If you are struck, your body will feel the sign called positive streamers .

According to a source that I read, if we would have been struck, our body will send signals in the form of a sensation called positive streamers (more details about the  positive streamers  please googling yourself). When you feel the sensation of it, it means you must be prepared for a lightning strike. Soon your body positioned to hit the deck or curling up with a hug folding legs. When the strike comes, hold your breath, because the air around a lightning strike is certainly a very high temperature, and it is very dangerous for your body.

8. Learn how to first aid for victims of lightning strikes.

When there is a lightning strike victims around you, the first thing to do is seek immediate medical team. While waiting for the medical team to come, try to analyze the condition of the victim. If the victim is not breathing, but his heart was still beating, perform artificial resuscitation breaths. If the victim was throbbing pulse, do CPR immediately by hand (first aid on the victim stopped breathing). Meanwhile, if the victim was still breathing with the heart still beating, immediately look for the body of the victim's injuries, such as skin burns, broken bones, or hearing and vision impaired.

P3K I described above are just a few simple illustrations. for a more complete details, please browse your own or ask the medical people.

9. After a lightning storm died down, wait for 30 minutes before leaving shelter to ensure completely safe conditions.

After the last lightning crashing, do not rush immediately to move away from your place of refuge, wait a minute for about 30 minutes to ensure that the conditions have actually been secured to continue your journey. Always be alert and careful follow-up there will be thunderstorms which often follow.


It was just little tips mountaineer to avoid lightning strike I can share with dear friends. Hopefully helpful, greeting ..

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