How to Distinguish Services Open First Trip to Abal-Abal

How to Distinguish Services Open First Trip to Abal-Abal

How to Distinguish Services Open First Trip to Abal-Abal

Echi • June 23, 2016

The high demand for people traveling to Indonesia as wetlands for business people traveling. They were just street performers aka traveler was tempted by this business. The growing trend of traveling directly proportional to the number of open trip at the travel agency.

open trip
Photos are from

You may often find deals opentrip in the comments or post them on a forum or community with ease. Like mushrooms after the rain, found the trip more spread open before the long holiday.

Travel costs are cheaper, destinations lucrative tourism and facilities in attractive offer travel agency eventually make you weak. You are tempted to follow the trip is also open. With talk of intrigue which he said "let's brother, stayed 2 seat do ya ', you also be tempted. You may be afraid if I miss a chair while you're "comfortable" with the very agency the trip. Without thinking, you pay it off immediately.

Until the H-1 is still no news, when the D-day, it turns out the fake open this trip did not come. You lost money with them. Disappointed? Of course, make it for the experience and learning,

1. Do not be tempted by the words "super cheap!"

traveling style
photo taken from here

Do not be tempted by the word "super cheap". The wording "super cheap" is commonly used to attract attention. The travel agency that has been trusted not have to write the word "super cheap" to attract users to their services. They simply provide a price and itinerary only.

2. Be careful, the itinerary is too sweet to be read normally many pitfalls of his batman

See the world in a different way. Pictures of
This should be your bottom line thick. Read carefully the travel itinerary they provide. Compare with other travel agency travel itinerary. If you find a striking difference with the services and facilities of tourist destinations on offer, you better be careful.

Many have complained, they obtained a Avanza car for 7 of the agency, but in fact the car used by the grand max capacity of 8 people are not the driver. When on their classical reasoned that there was no other car.

3. Stalking their testimonials, scroll to the bottom, which is not just only

Photo cc flickr 2.0 (Mr.TinDC)
Photo cc flickr 2.0 (Mr.TinDC)

Typically, most experts girls stalking. Take advantage of your expertise to stalking testimony already posted the users of open agent trip. But do not be fooled by fake testimonials.

Tricks are often used fake agent open this trip one of them write their own testimonials on their facebook page or website. How to tell if it's real or fake testimonials is to distinguish the style of the language used.

Although someone has changed its style, she tends to have a semblance of writing, the cutting words, pronouns and others. The next feature, testimony tends sucks or hyperbole.

4. Find out as much about the travel agency

Photo by Ashadi Natha
Next, you should find out as much information about the agent's trip open. Starting from a friend to try to ask Google.

Google may not know who your partner, do you know anything on the internet. If the agent is really reliable, positive information you seek.

5. Be aware of the cost of a normal trip to a destination that you aim

photo taken from here
Before deciding to select an agent open the trip, you have to know the details of your intended destination travel expenses. For example, a package trip to Derawan only 2 million of the people with the number of participants 4. Afterwards, browsing the Internet, how much it cost to travel 4 to Derawan. Do not just cost, yes, but see also the condition of the accommodation they offer.

6. If they have a website, check their website, note the phone number and account number listed

Photos by Press Release traveloka
The last step, check the website and all the information they provide. Agent open trip trusted domain .com, .net, or .org instead of, (although this can not in general, but commercial web domain more reliable credibility). Note also their contact numbers. You should be wary if the travel agency only lists one phone number. Moreover, only lists the pin BB!

Agency official and reliable lists more than one and one of them is the telecoms telephone number (not a mobile number). You should be aware of their account number, as the name implies kah or different? You should be suspicious if he just gives an account number only.

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