Porter Rinjani, Grobogan 9 Secrets That Will Make you Want Instant Been There

Porter Rinjani, Grobogan 9 Secrets That Will Make you Want Instant Been There

2 years ago By Dana Mustafa
Grobogan less widely heard his name, even though the region counted the second largest in the entire Middle East. Perhaps you even heard the name Grobogan this time - and so far more familiar with its capital, Purwodadi.

In fact, Grobogan has incredible natural beauty. There are waterfalls, caves, baths, and mud and the eternal flame that can be addressed only a few hours from major cities such as Semarang and Yogyakarta.

To further introduce you to the beauty of Grobogan, check out the narrative Hipwee below. Hopefully inspires you to go there in the near future.

1. unusual natural phenomenon is owned Grobogan mrapen, which will not be extinguished despite rain

The eternal flame
Gas from the ground, then ignited the fire via id.wikipedia.org

Located in Youth-Semarang route, 26 kilometers from Purwodadi. Manggarmas precisely in the village, district Godong, Grobogan, Central Java. Mrapen is a natural geological phenomenon which is quite rare, formed by the natural gas that comes out of the ground and then ignited the fire. Diameter itself is tiny, about 1.5 meters. Then he was given a pile of limestone on it so as not dangerous for the visitors. Called 'eternal' because it will not be extinguished despite many hours of rain.
Besides being used as a torch ceremony on the feast of Vesak, the eternal flame Mrapen also widely used for the opening ceremony of the sport, of the SEA Games in Palembang until the Asian Beach Games in China to Oman. Not only that you can find here. Nearby there is the Stone Weight, is said to grant requests for anyone who can lift it while sitting.

2. Pay a visit to Dust Eclipse, and watch the explosions were strangely salty mud

Dust explosion mud in Eclipse

If you want to see amazing natural phenomenon, head to the village of Dust Eclipse Eclipse, Kradenan, Grobogan. You'll be treated to views of bubbling mud. This resort is located about 28 KM from the city to the east of Youth. It is also not far from the eternal flame Mrapen. Although located several kilometers away from the sea, mud Dust Eclipse in fact contain salt. Because of this people assume there are underground passages connecting Dust Eclipse with the South Sea.

Dust in Indonesian which means an explosion or eruption, and kuwu or perplexed which means scattered. There are some points that will blow up the mud in the area repeatedly over a period of 1-2 minutes, with a height of 1 to 10 meters. And after that, there will be white smoke that rises up out of the explosion of the mud.

Do not worry. Even though it looks there's smoke, mud in this area is not hot at all.

3. The natural beauty you can enjoy authentic Indonesian Falls Thistle

Waterfall Thistle
Waterfall Thistle via widuriairterjun.blogspot.com

This waterfall is located in the village of Batur Kemaduh, Tawangharjo District, 19 kilometers northeast of Youth, precisely at highway intersection Puwodadi-Blora.Sesampainya Ngantrul, Tawangharjo, take the north about a 15-20 minute drive.

This waterfall has a height of about 40 meters, flanked by teak forests and rice fields is still beautiful. Access to the waterfall is quite challenging. Visitors must walk through the rice fields before finally arriving at the waterfall. But do not be lazy first, because the view you see will be proportional to the total energy that you spend for it.

4. It is said that if the bathroom on certain days in spring Coyo, will face youthful and luminous

fresh bath
Fresh spring baths in Coyo via hariansemarangbanget.blogspot.com

Spring, in Indonesian means pond or small lake, called Spring Coyo because it is said that a person can make right in the middle of the night Suro be preserved so that his face glowing - aka cohyo . The water is clear and fresh, and the depth of no more than 1 meter also makes this spring visited by many families with their children.

Attractions bath is located in the village of Mlowokarangtalun, about 26 km south east of Youth. It lies in the middle of the forest teak does not necessarily make these places deserted. Precisely because it is far from the hustle and bustle of the city, this place was asked as one of the favorite tourist destinations of local people. Especially when Ramadan arrived, well, you see the people who are around the corner bath shower this.

5. Enjoy the peaceful scenery with a picnic on the banks of reservoirs Other Ombo

One of the largest reservoirs in Java
One of the largest reservoirs in Java via pamungkaz.net

Kedung Ombo dam was built on the confluence of the play and the River Serang. Other Ombo Located in the village, the village of Vertigo, District Geyer. This reservoir was built in 1985 to 1989, and is one of the largest reservoirs in Java, because in its manufacture itself drown 37 villages and 7 districts, in three different districts, namely Sragen, Boyolali and Grobogan.

Other Ombo also offers water attractions for visitors to use a boat. Even the children's playground is also available. Do not worry if you run out of supplies, because at the edge of the reservoir has also been a lot of food stalls selling snacks.

6. Grobogan also have many amazing cave, one of the Cave People

One tourist cave in Grobogan
One tourist cave in Grobogan via biotagua.org

We cave is the habitat of various species of bats live. These bats are important in agriculture around the cave. Located in District Tawangharjo, in addition to presenting stalagmite and stalactite cave is also located along a river underground. No wonder the land above the cave so dry, because water flows in this cave. Near the site of the cave there are also other caves such as cave flowers, and Cave Wren.

7. Before returning to his hometown, nice and sweet taste muddy you can enjoy cooking while resting the body and legs

Vegetable muddy, or we know as goulash
Vegetable muddy, or we know as goulash via www.central-java-tourism.com

In ancient times, this was only made as a culinary feast for those who are celebrating celebrations in the countryside. But this time, muddy vegetable has been sold at food stalls in Grobogan. The muddy soup consists of beef ribs, and bones (vertebrae). Maybe because when eating certain vegetables covered the muddy diberilah name, such as waterlogged soil - so muddy. Hehe.

8. You can enjoy the n ation Botok Corn and crab, a simple dish that will add to your appetite

Rice, corn and crab botok
Rice, corn and crab botok via twitter.com

As the name suggests, is made from corn rice finely ground corn, soaked and then steamed. While botok crab is a food made of crab (read: crab rice) cooked with herbs botok. Usually food also comes along with shrimp chips.

9. If you're a fan of extreme food, try to taste the typical food Grobogan: Wieke

preparations frog
Preparations frog via commons.wikimedia.org

Swikee or Wieke actually a meat processing techniques. So the meat comes from animals could be anything from ducks to chickens. There have frog legs were finally served.

So if you do not eat the flesh of a frog, do not worry. There's also why a restaurant that sells halal Wieke in Purwodadi. You just have to ask the owner only. Do not miss the delicious blend of ginger, garlic, and pepper in sauce seasoning Wieke typical. If the Youth and Wieke not eat, you're one of those losers!

It is evident, is not it, if Grobogan save millions of beauty? So when you want to visit ya?

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